Saturday, August 25, 2007

#6 -Courage in TKAM

Many characters display courage in the novel, 'To Kill A Mockingbird.' These characters all do courageous acts for different reasons and they all risk different things, whether it be emotional or physical, or risks involving themselves or other people.
A good example of courage displayed is Atticus taking the Tom Robinson case. This isn't a type of courage that people usually think the definition of courage is, Atticus wasn't saving someone from a fire, or having the courage to stand up and fight someone for one of his friends, Atticus had the courage to take a case. He has chosen to defend someone he doesn't know personally but he is very passionate about it still. He is risking losing his friends, and losing his fellow townspeople's respect for him, because of the fact that his client is a black man charged with the rape of a white girl. It would take a lot of courage for Atticus to take this case, as he would know the teasing and ridicule he would get.

That was one example of courage in the novel, and there are many more interesting ways the characters display courage and many different reasons of why they do these courageous things.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

#4 -"Atticus ain't ever whipped me since I can remember. I wanta keep it that way."

There was a time I got in big trouble, and that was in kinda. I had just made a new friend, Hannah. We always played dolls together, drew together, did everything together and ended up doing ballet together aswell . Then we had a fight. A stupid little kiddy fight, and I bit her. I bit her really hard. The kinda teacher told Mum and dad and they were very dissapointed in me. Dad told me I couldn't go to ballet for two weeks. Two whole weeks! I was so upset and felt so ashamed, plus I didn't want to not go to ballet, I couldn't imagine such a terrible thing!
I was really sorry, I don't think I ever bit her and made her cry like that again.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

# 5 -Mrs Dubose.

The character of Mrs Dubose was very strong willed; she was addicted to morphin tablets and didn't have much time left to live, but she gave up the morphin tablets because she didn't like how they made her feel or act and didn't want to die addicted to morphin. If she kept taking the morphin, she wouldn't have died in so much agony, but she refused to keep taking it.

Her attitude and the way she treats people (especially children) seems to be extremely rude and hurtful. Her reason for this though, is that she's a morphin addict. No one knew this, so therefore people judged her and saw her as a mean, even though she had a reason for acting the way she did. It's just like what Atticus said, how you should never judge someone until you have walked in their shoes and I believe thats the situation that the people were in with Mrs Dubose.

I think if Mrs Dubose had lived longer and had a chance to, she could have improved and shown people how she really was.