Wednesday, August 22, 2007

#4 -"Atticus ain't ever whipped me since I can remember. I wanta keep it that way."

There was a time I got in big trouble, and that was in kinda. I had just made a new friend, Hannah. We always played dolls together, drew together, did everything together and ended up doing ballet together aswell . Then we had a fight. A stupid little kiddy fight, and I bit her. I bit her really hard. The kinda teacher told Mum and dad and they were very dissapointed in me. Dad told me I couldn't go to ballet for two weeks. Two whole weeks! I was so upset and felt so ashamed, plus I didn't want to not go to ballet, I couldn't imagine such a terrible thing!
I was really sorry, I don't think I ever bit her and made her cry like that again.

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